Monday, March 23, 2009

Two months!

I can't believe it, Orson is two months and a week! Time is just flying and everyday I swear he is bigger. When we came back from Denver two Sundays ago and laid him in the co-sleeper while we unpacked he looked like he had grown another few inches and turns out he has he is now (officially from the doctor) 24 and 3/4 inches and 12 lbs 15 oz. He is starting to get hair and is turning into a handsome little boy.

Speaking of the doctor Orson had his first immunizations at this visit. My moms group all reassured me that he would scream for about 15 seconds and then forget all about it....not my Orson, he screamed and cried for about 30 minutes (refused even to eat) and then whimpered in his sleep the entire 45 minute drive home :( I am sure glad Matt was able to come along.

In other news, this lent, instead of giving something up I took our priest's advice and decided to overcome something that was holding me back from being the person God wanted me to be. Most of you know that I had a hard time going out, doing stuff on my own, even leaving the house after I stopped working Katrina and after all the losses of 2007 in my family. This lent I decided that I would stop that and join a moms group and try to get more involved outside of the house. The moms group is now going strong and I pushed myself even harder yesterday and spent a few hours outside in my garden (yes even leaving the house for the backyard was hard for me). I feel back in love with outside and planting yesterday and I hope that the post-Katrina me is gone for good! God works in mysterious ways and I think all the visitors and Orson has given me some of my old self back.

Last but not least here are some favorite pictures and video from the last few weeks:

Ever since Denver, Orson has been in love with the moby wrap and he really loves to wear it with Daddy.

He has also decided that the bumbo is lots of fun, especially combined with the ball that my Aunt Cindy sent him.

While Aunt Dani and Uncle Jon were in town we went to Nappa to taste wine, Berkley to look around and was a fun filled weekend for all.

We left the back door open a lot when Jon and Dani were here, apparently this little guy decided to see if he could come live with us. Matt found him after we all went to bed in the kitchen (it looks big here but not when you realize that it is sitting in the dust pan for the broom, no more then 4 inches tops)

Orson loves to fly and sing and I think his little toothless mouth is adorable from this angle.

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