Thursday, March 19, 2009

Moms group and wedding prep

Orson and I have been attending a moms group the last two Wednesdays and it has been great to get out and meet other moms and babies. I will say that he looks to be as tall as most of the five month-olds but, thank goodness, not as advanced. They are all starting to crawl and move around (I will take a few more months of being able to put Orson down and knowing that he will still be there when I get back). The best part has been learning from and sharing with other moms my age.

Orson keeps on growing and growing so we tried on some more great outfits this weekend from our family and friends. When I hold them up without him in them they look way too big but then I put them on and they fit! Orson has also recovered almost completely from his acne and is all smiles, I've read that they stay super smiley for the next few months....there will be lots of pictures if that is the case!

Matt picked out the outfit below and had a great time showing it off on Sunday at church and around town.

And of course I couldn't resit a St Patty's day shirt for him (it was in the dollar section of Target). As you can see, Orson is also now sitting propped up on his own.

He and Daddy cooked me breakfast this past Sunday....Orson feel asleep playing and watching.

We have also discovered flying over the past few weeks. We will try and get a movie of it but his face is so funny when you look up at him and he never wants to touch back down.

We've also been getting ready for our trip to Denver this weekend. The dogs are ending up in a kennel for the first time in their lives. I am terrified of leaving them (it gave me insomnia one night this week) but the people at the kennel reassured me that they will let everyone know that its the girls first time at a kennel and that if they are too upset that they will move them into their own wing away from the big loud dogs. The also said to bring as much of the girls stuff as we wanted to make the dogs feel more at home which will go a long way to making the girls feel better.

The flowers here are blooming and the weather is wonderful, I will try to take some pictures and post them next week.

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