Thursday, August 27, 2009

Last Month Part 5

When we got back from England life didn't come grinding to a halt in anyway. First Alyssa, a friend from Americorps, joined us for a week. It was great having someone here that was willing to help out as both Orson and I adjusted to the time difference and it gave us an excuse to drive out to Point Reyes and show Orson the Pacific Ocean for the first time (that's right two major oceans in one month!)

Here he is in his whale watching outfit from Aunt Anne (we even saw a baby whale!)

playing in the sand

Matt and the waves

Alyssa and Orson enjoying the picnic we brought

What a wonderful week it was, thanks Alyssa!
The next weekend, Matt, Orson and I joined Pat and Pat at Pebble Beach for the car show. It was really neat looking at all the old cars and even more fun to spend time with some more Grandparents :)

This was one of my favorite cars at the show:

Matt had lots of fun getting to geek out on all the cool cars

and to top it all off, Orson got to meet the Stig!

And then life kinda returned to normal, with playdates, parks and mom time.

We are having more and more play-dates now that the babies are getting older. Lucy and Maddox remain some of Orson's favorite babies to play with

Orson and I volunteer on Tuesdays at MSN and as a bonus get to attend the Music and Movement class that is held there. Orson loves it and I enjoy getting to make music with a group (even if they are babies). He is in the middle of the circle in red.

Orson attended his first political rally and did his first lobbying yesterday along with lots of other moms and babies in MSN. We were trying to convince CA lawmakers to pass a bill making baby feeding products containing BPA and other harmful chemicals illegal to sell in the state of CA. It was actually my first rally as well, very interesting.

Orson and I threw Matt a surprise party for his 33rd Birthday. I never thought I could pull it off but we did and Matt was completely surprised. It turned into a great evening full of friends and laughter.

To wrap the month up, some of Orson's new favorite things:

playing his piano (was mine as a kid)

and riding on the family horse

And of course my new favorite picture of Orson,
Matt fixed up Orson's floppy hat and made it into an awesome cowboy/aussie hat....everyone in Target thought Orson was adorable :) Good job Daddy.

Oh and by the way, Orson now has four teeth, weighs in at 19 lbs and is 29 inches long (which meant a new carseat) and is grubbing on solid foods. Whew, what a month....what will the next one bring?

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