Thursday, August 27, 2009

The last month!!! Part 4

To wrap up our time in England we headed back to Ealing and London and spent the week going on day trips with Lynda and just enjoying family. We went to Trafalgar Square and took pictures with the lions, visited Kensington Park (where we played on the big playground, road the carousel, saw Peter Pan, took tea and enjoyed out last day in town), went to Lynda's favorite charity shops and celebrated Dad's birthday. It was fun and relaxing and all in all one of the best vacations I think I ever had.

Orson and his new shoes

Orson and Lynda outside Dad's apartments

Lynda, Orson and I in Trafalgar Square

The formal gardens in Kensington:

The amazing playground! I hope we get to take Orson again when he is a little bigger and can run around

Orson's first carousel went really fast and he loved it.

Orson and Peter

Picnic in the park

Orson's first cup of tea (actually it was empty, he just loved the way it smelled)

Playing in the grass

Thanks so much for the lunches, day and weekend trips, chatter and love, Dad, Lynda and Mike. Orson and I loved every minute of it and can't wait to come back. Also, Lynda and Mike....congrats on the up and coming Grandchild, Orson thinks you will be awesome Grandparents!

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