Thursday, March 19, 2015

Josephine Amelia Ewalt

Oh my goodness, number 4 has arrived and is already a month old!!! We were blest with the arrival of Josephine Amelia on Feb. 10th 2015 at 5:30 in the morning after a few days of labour.  She was born at home and weighed in at 8lbs and 21 inches.  She is my smallest and only SHE :)  We are all in love with her. Labour was long but easier than with the boys, she is nursing great, sleeps (with eating breaks) for most of the nights and is all around chill.  She must know she is number four.  We all love to cuddle her and it is a toss up between Orson and I on who is more excited to welcome a girl into our lives.  We have also been blest by our community here, I didn't have to cook barely any meals for this first month and baby girl clothes have been arriving on our doorstep (new and passed down) as if by miracle (or via my moms groups, bible study and out of town friends).  Lafayette is a beautiful community to be living in and all our friends spread all over the world are so amazing to us.

Pictures from her first day:

 As you can see Ferdinand and Theodore were very excited!
 Pictures from life the last month:

 Love baby feet!

 Silly hats!

 Her "I'm peeing in my diaper face"

 more toes.

 And pictures at a month.  She is up to 10 lbs and already losing her newborn face

We are all in love with our adorable girl

and fill so blest by all our gifts from God.

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