Sunday, January 4, 2015

2014 discoveries and inspirations

So I made a few fun "discoveries" the end of the year last year and I wanted to share them with my friends and family!

1. Ya'll I have to admit that I have fallen in love with oils!  My family has stayed healthier, recovered quicker and I have avoided many common pregnancy issues (aches and pains, sleep issues)! If you want to know more please contact me, I love to share them and stay tuned because I know I will be sharing recipes and stories about them this year and you can get your own through me, use the contact me info on the side.

2. I am reading a book called  Parenting with Grace by Dr. Gregory & Lisa Popcak’s.  I am so inspired to change things up, end the yelling and renew my relationships with my kids this year.  I also want to check out their marriage book soon!  Following up on the book I also found a free online magazine called Tender Tidings that has inspired me even more (

3. Another book I got a lot out of in the last few months is The Power of a Praying Wife by O'Martian.  It gently guides you through 30 days worth of prayers for your husband and I have 5 or 6 that I now try to pray at least once a week if not daily.  Its nice to have a reminder of the things we all need to pray fro each other.

4. Of course I also discovered and fell in love with Jamberry Nails last year.  I haven't really talked about them here on the blog but I have so enjoyed selling them during online parties, actually having a few in home parties (let me know if you are local and want to host one!!!), and having nice looking nails in my house full of men!  Check them out anytime at 

5. Since moving to CO I have been attending ENDOW Women's study courses at our local church.  I've done their Letter to Women and am almost done with Setting the World Ablaze: St. Catherine of Siena.  I have gotten so much out of both and totally recommend bringing the studies to your church. (

What inspired you last year? Stay tuned for my resolutions and new plans for staying on track in 2015 :)

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