Friday, May 2, 2014

so far behind in posting!!!!

It has been a busy, busy few months here at the Ewalt house (which by the way is now in Lafayette, Co not Sterling, VA)!  We have moved, gone on adventures, taken 9 month pictures (only a month until its time for 1 year pictures!!!!), and been on adventures in CO. Orson has started at a new preschool, started soccer and a new religion class.  We have also signed him up for Kindergarten and been to a open house (he and Ferdinand got to ride the school bus, Orson is now ready to go to school).  Ferdinand, Theodore and I have been trying out playgroups, we have been"sleep training" Theodore (he is much more stubborn then any of our other boys and that is saying a lot!) and Matt is in the same job but a new office.  Matt has also gotten involved in a big off-roading group for Land Cruisers.  I have been offered a job with FEMA and ended up turning it down as it just wasn't the right time.

So here are a ton of pictures and a few comments as well:

Theodore at 9 months.  In love with his tongue, trying to do everything on his own, crawling to keep up with his brothers and climbing!!!

 Silly, silly faces!

The move: 

Orson and I went on a date just before we left, he and I both loved it

boxes were our new best friends

saying Goodbye to friends was hard, as always

The boys and I flew out ahead of Matt, three boys and one mommy made for an exciting flight and week in the empty house!

Before and after shoots

We've had all the seasons since moving here!

bathtime fun

sleep training (meant that mommy slept in the boys room and the boys got to sleep with Dad!)

And finally Daddy cuddle time!

And then, the boxes were unpacked and the adventures began!

close to home:
Orson at soccer, he is getting much better and has even started scoring on his own goal.

 The local mexican restaurant has kids eat free Sundays and a balloon man

 Ferdinand trying to sneak out the door to go to work with Matt....such a great outfit

 Orson, our engineer, has really been into building elaborate structures with blocks and legos

 One of the pizza places near by lets the kids make their own pizza, our guys love pepperoni and pineapple

Ferdinand found a long lost pacifier

 Theodore went on his first bike ride and Orson is now riding without training wheels

Further afield, we have been offroading

 to the train museum

 climbed our first peak

and found elk

Last but not least, we celebrated Easter.  We have finally settled on the college's Catholic Church, although we attend one that is closer for our religious ed classes and for it mom's bible study.

In the morning we opened our baskets.  Orson's preschool (St Louis) sent home a cute jelly bean poem and we included a mix of religious books and legos in their stuff.
 Theodore thought the eggs were fun and was even more excited when he found out there was stuff inside!

 The big boys loved opening their eggs!

Then I tried to take easter family pictures....oh well!

Over it has been a crazy but good move.  Outdoor time here is abundant and all the guys are super happy.  I have a little way to go (finding friends has been hard) but I know that in God's time I too will settle in.  I hope all of you had a joyous Easter and are finally shaking the remnants of winter from your shoes.

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