Thursday, August 23, 2012

France (part 1)

Our family vacation this year was to France (with a short stop on the way home in Iceland)!  Dad and Sofie invited us all out to her house in the Mayenne area for two weeks of family time and to celebrate Dad's 60th birthday.  It was like living in a postcard, meals outside full of good fresh food, wine, cheese and bread; fun day trips around the area; a chance to get to know Sofie's family (and they us); and lots of card games at night.  Plus, Matt and I got to leave the boys behind and head south to Bordeaux and Lourdes for a four day mini vacation (part 2)!  We took so many pictures that I don't even know where to start but here are some highlights of the trip:

 We started the trip off with a day in Paris.  Matt spoiled me with tea and cakes at a Gluten Free eatery in Paris and then we walked and walked and walked, trying to get see it all.

 After a long drive in the middle of the night, we woke up the next morning to Montourtier and Sofie's beautiful home.  The town in in Mayenne and boasts about 250 people and 3000 cows :)

 The town made a world record size omelet and the Orson thought the pan was amazing
 Lots of time with Grandpa and outside made both boys happy campers

 Ferdinand cut two new teeth while there using baguettes and wine corks as his chewies...we are still trying to break the habit!

 During the day we explored the local area.  
Orson loved the local lakes, swimming, playgrounds, boats and ice cream

 Ferd did not like the boats so much
 We went to Le Mont Saint Michel one day.  Orson climbed all million steps on his own!
 and still had energy left to run in the gardens at the top
 Another day we went to Jublains a small town built on top of Roman ruins.  We saw the fortress, baths, temple and theater, and enjoyed some ice cream (seems to be a theme :)

 I had them all do some Grecian Urns down on the stage

 Towards the end of our stay we went to Machines of the Isle of Nantes.  It was amazing to see the blend of mechanical and art.

 Orson loved the ant and we all thought the moving elephant was amazing!

 Ferd was tired :(

 The sea themed, three level merry go round was also very cool

 You could ride on the surface of the ocean
 In the middle and (Orson's pick) on the beach

 Ferdinand couldn't decide which to ride in

Our last day trip was to Musee Automobile de la Sarthe (Le Mans) for Matt.  He got to drive the 9 passenger van on park of the track and look at some amazing cars.

 Orson gave the museum a big thumbs up!
 We ended our stay with a birthday party for Dad, complete with, good food, a big box of birthday presents, cakes and karaoke.  It was a blast! Dad has officially out-lived both his father and grandfather, we are so very thankful!

On the way home we took a day layover in Iceland.  It was beautiful, cold and a nice rest for the weary.  

Stay tuned for part two and Matt's and I adventures without children!

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