Friday, April 27, 2012


Its that time of year again.  My annual trip to Texas to cheer for Dad while he rides in the MS 150.  This year was different in that all of my family ended up being there at some point during the week!  Matt, Orson, Ferdinand and I drove the minivan all the way to TX and back (the boys were great in the car!), Nathan and Allison were at the house, Dad and Sofie came in from Korea, Anne joined us from Tampa and even Matt J managed to put off returning to his work in Africa long enough to go out for my birthday.  It was wonderful seeing everyone and Orson and Ferdinand loved the attention.

family time:

The MS 150 ride had some major bumps for Mr Bernson this year.  He and Dad almost got hit by a car during their practice ride (resulting in major road burn for David) and then someone stopped abruptly in front of him just before the finish line and he went down again.  They also had a horrible head wind for the entire first day of the ride.  Compared to how smoothly the ride went the year before, this year was much tougher on everyone.  BUT, they all finished and all raised money to find a cure for autoimmune disorders.

The first lunch stop:

waiting for the riders to come into Austin:
 O was practicing his faces

 and giving his daddy a hard time
 Sofie, Anne and Ferd decided the shade was the best bet

 They made it!

While they were riding, we got to stop and play in the amazing hill country flowers, even though we missed the peak of the bluebonnets, everything was still beautiful, visited the Cezch Painted Churches around Flatonia and enjoyed driving by some of the places from early in our marriage (like the ranch were we celebrated our wedding).

ER ranch:

The painted Catholic Churches were so amazing inside and out!

The churches had old cemeteries attached. The pictures on the stones were so interesting.
 The ones of the babies were so hard to see but so touching as well
And of course the wildflowers:

There was some really stressful moments during the week, mostly around getting places on time and going through more of mom and dad's stuff but it was wonderful to see everyone.  As soon as we got home, I missed eating breakfast with my family and having adults that I love around to talk to during the day; Orson missed having people other then me to play and read with; and Ferdinand missed having someone that was willing to hold him all the time.

WE CAN'T WAIT to celebrate Dad's 60th birthday in FRANCE!!!

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