Sunday, January 22, 2012

Orson turns 3 and Rainbows are everywhere

Orson turns three tomorrow and all I can think is a) when did my baby boy become a little man and b) I'm not old enough to have a three year old :)  He has become such an amazing, loving, joy-filled, exciting person.  Last night he slept the entire night through in big boy underwear without an accident (this from the kid I thought would go to college in diapers), he has started going to pre-school and loves it (and doesn't seem to miss me at all), he is obsessed with matchbox cars and loves to build things with legos and blocks.  He has also started singing along with songs, jumping everywhere, playing with imaginary friends, trying to share with his little brother, become attached to his teddy and counting everything.  I love, love, love him (even on our worst days).  

For his third birthday he told me he wanted rainbows, cake and his friends.  I came through on the first two and we had our new friends over for a little party.  The Rainbow theme was so much fun and I am so glad he picked it over cars and mickey mouse.  I got my crafter on (spending lots of time on pintrest) and made decorations, rainbow cupcakes, rainbow themed snacks (fruit kabobs, colorful veggies and rainbow goldfish), rainbow playdough, rainbow jello, rainbow games and rainbow art projects for his party.  When he came down in the morning to a decorated house, he had a huge smile and I thought "we should leave this up all makes it happy around here :)".  

For breakfast we had three year old pancakes (not 3 years old, Dad, the number three) Orson ate a ton!

Then it was party time!

The decorations, food and fun

 Rainbow art project

 Pinwheels and Rainbow cupcakes

 Pin the cloud at the end of the Rainbow
 Orson picked out the take home favors


The party:
 Ferdinand (slept through a lot of it) and Will
 Cake and Jello time!!

 The jello was a huge hit with Orson

 and Will

 Jack and Hannah helped Orson figure out how to build with his rainbow blocks from Ferdinand

 Orson got a scooter (which he moved so quickly on that we didn't get any pictures), books (from Maddox), dance classes (from Grandpa Jones), a shirt and ipad game from Aunt Annie and a memory game and playdough game (from Matt and I).  He loves everything and is already planning when to play with everything.

It was a really great day and I can't wait for tomorrow and his real birthday!

And a picture from each of Orson's birthdays:
 and Three
I love you little dude, thanks for three amazing years!


  1. This was so cute I almost started crying cuz I miss you all so much & wish we were there!

  2. Good job mama! with the party and your little man. It is such a privilage to watch them grow (even on our worst days) and such a heart ache that they get bigger...every day. love you!
