Monday, December 19, 2011

Ferdinand and an Ewalt update

So Ferdinand is almost 7 weeks and I haven't posted since he was born!  Life is much faster with two.
He is now bald, weighs in at 12 lbs 10 oz, smiles all the time, still talks up a storm (and growls when he is hungry), is holding up his head really well and is Orson's best friend (according to O).  
We love him so much!

 First bath

 Big feet but not as big as Orson's were, which means he gets to wear all of the cute baby shoes!
Where did his hair go?
 In other news, our house in Sacramento sold!!!! Our car accident settlements finally got settled, we just traded the Camry in for a minivan (yep we are officially a van family now) and Orson starts preschool in January.  Lots of changes in all of our lives but all for the good of our family and we are so thankful for all the support and love we have had.

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