Monday, August 15, 2011

Here we go again

So at this point most of you know that by this time next month we will be moved into the DC metro area (probably northern VA)!

The move:

The timing is a little stressful but I know that it will all work out and at least we will be settled in before the baby comes in Oct (fingers crossed).  It is going to be a time of new beginnings and we are all excited for the move (well Orson doesn't really get it).  We are hoping to find a 4 bedroom with one of the rooms being an in-law suite because Matt's dad is moving across the country with us as well.  So far Gainsville, Burke and Herdon, VA seem to have a few options in them.  This upcoming weekend is our only weekend left when all of us will be home together, so we will spend it packing and organizing our lives so that the rest of the month works out.  The next week we will all be in DC looking for a house, the next Orson and I will be home but Matt will be staying in DC to work, the next week Orson and I are in TX for Nathans wedding and Matt will be home (Matt will join us for the wedding that weekend) and then we come back and the rental trucks will be here waiting to load!!!! Whew, we never do things the easy way.  We probably should have stayed home and packed this last weekend but we had been planning a trip to Tahoe with the Pats for over a month and we didn't want to cancel at the last minute and the weekend before that we didn't have the move offer yet (although we thought it was going to happen so we spent Sunday packing up the front room) so we went to a garden in San Mateo to take pictures for my class (which ends just before O and I fly out to TX).  
With all this excitement going on we are also having to say goodbye to all of our dear friends, the house (which we are trying to short sale), all the adventures we have had here in Sacramento and my garden.  Last Thursday was our last time watching Lucy :(, this Wednesday will be our last play date at the house and this week will probably be the last time I get to go out for tea with the moms sans babies, I have been trying to take lots of pictures of everything and will post as I have a chance.

San Mateo Gardens (Folili Gardens and Estate) and a side trip through Nappa:
The gardens were so pretty, they were walled off sections with gates in between each.  I really liked the formal flower gardens but the fruit and veggie area was interesting as well (Orson liked the unripe pears the best).  The house was also interesting but I am an outside girl for the most part.


The gardens

Tahoe and Virginia City:

This weekend was tons of fun.  We stayed in the condo of one of Pat and Pat's friends in Incline Village (we had never spent time on the North side of the lake), met up with Matt's Uncle Greg, Aunt Rene and their twins Royce and Jackson who were in Squaw Valley showing their Rolls Royce (the pools there were amazing!!!), and then on Sunday, drove out to Virgina City to ride on a train and walk around.  It was so nice to have some family time and some time that we didn't think all too much about the move (except to hyperventilate every once in a while about how much we had to get done).  Thank you so much Pat and Pat for such a lovely weekend.  Orson is still complaining that we didn't bring Grandma and Grandpa home with us :)

Orson showing off his two year old devil horns when he thought no one was looking :)

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