Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday Adventures

Today we drove north to the Lake Tahoe area.  We started the day off at one of our favorite breakfast places in Placerville, Sweetie Pies.  Matt and Orson were excited by the nice car out front and I was excited for some bacon and eggs :)  

Then we drove up to Horsetail falls and hiked up to see them.  We couldn't actually get all that close, but the hike in was about 1/2 a mile with a gain in about 500+ elevation (according to our hiking book) and it included climbing over lots of boulders.  Orson made it the entire way up!  Most of the way down he did on Matt's shoulders.  The water was running high and fast and we saw lots of smaller falls on the way up and had a great hike.  

 Orson was in heaven with all of the stream crossing he got to splash through.

 One of the minor falls we passed!

 The down trees had great patterns to them.

 Daddy had it hard on the hike back.

After the hike we drove into South Lake Tahoe for ice cream and then stopped in Lake Tahoe State Park, near Sand Harbor, and hiked down to a small beach to have cheese and crackers on the water.  Again, Orson hiked most of the way down and he also did most of the hike up (aided by "power pills" aka Annie's Gummy Bunnies).  My mom always brought some kind of power pill on hikes when we were kids and boy do they work!  The lake was beautiful but Matt and I both felt like we picked the wrong spot, as it was populated by young adults that wanted to be on the Jersey Shore show (overheard conversations included, "oh I know him, we have the same parole officer" and "I couldn't understand why she was in a relationship for two weeks and hadn't had sex yet")!  Needless to say, we didn't stay long :)  

 We started at a parking lot at the top with great views.
 And made it all the way down to the lake via a bunch of switch backs.

 and then got back up to the top somehow :)  I think pregnant momma struggled the most on the way back.

All in all, Matt figured that Orson hiked about 2 miles today! Needless to say, we had a quiet drive home, little bear was so tired.

1 comment:

  1. So many miracles! Not only the views and the great sights, but your pregnant belly and Matt's ablity, not only to hike...but carry Orson!!!!!!
