Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Yummy, Yummy.  Last weekend we took Orson to a local organic farm for a tour and strawberry picking.  He was so excited about it that he woke us up early and started shouting to pick strawberries!  This is the first time he has talked about something that we are going to do from one day to the next...guess he must be mine, since strawberries are what did it :)  It turned into a cold, windy and muddy day but that didn't stop the fun.  Orson didn't care how much dirt was on the berries, he ate them anyway and icy cold wind didn't keep him from enjoying the tractor ride (mommy didn't like it quite as much).  Overall it was a great little adventure and I can't wait until July when the farm has their tomato picking day!

Cold but exciting tractor ride.

 Linden, Alisha, Nick and Alina (hiding under the blanket)
 Picking the berries....

 Eva was also all pro at eating berries and dirt :)
 Riding back on the tractor with strawberries!

 Dripping juice from all parts...

 Ava showing off her strawberry face for the camera
 Cool old building on the farm (it is slowly losing its battle against the trees)
 And we finished the tour with Bubbles!!!

And yes, I know I still haven't posted about Texas and Disney World...there is just so much that it is a little overwhelming but I promise to get working on it :)

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