Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas in Houston

We had a lovely trip to Houston for Christmas this year.  Orson and I got to spend 3 weeks and Matt joined us for a week of it.  We went all over and visited some many old friends!  It was awesome and relaxing and we even got a lot done around the house.  Christmas eve we went to mass and had our "big" holiday meal.  Everyone looked great and it was a wonderful evening. 

 Unfortunately Orson decorated the family pic with his finger.
He loved the Nativity Scene at church
 Dinner after picking up Matt at the airport
 Opening his Christmas eve PJs

 Then came the big day.  Orson, Matt and I slept in till 10 (due to a rough night involving little sleep), then we read the Christmas story, opened stockings, had breakfast and then opened up the tree presents.  I love the way our family does Christmas and Orson seemed to as well.  Orson also made out like a Romanian Bandit with all the toys and goodies he got!

During out stay, we went to the zoo twice and by far Orson's favorite parts were the birds and fish but he also loved seeing the elephants.  There were two new babies that were just adorable.

 We also visited the Children's museum with my junior high and high school stand partner and her family.   The kids all had a blast.  There was a big water play area, a tot room, an entire town, and so many other cool things.

 Speaking of my stand partner, the high school viola girls all got together (with our kids!).  Holy cow it was fun to see everyone and really weird and exciting to see our kids all playing together :)

We also had some quieter times at some of our favorite Houston area spots.  Riding the carousel at the Woodlands Mall (and watching a tuba quartet play carols...Orson loved it)

Playing Legos with Aunt Annie and Grandpa home and eating breakfast at Roa's.

And taking a walk around the Arboretum with Uncle Nate.  Such a great place filled with so many family memories!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is enjoying the New post, Orson's Birthday!

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