Well Its been a few months and I am just not sure where the time has gone. Orson is bigger, we spent the month of August in the UK with Dad, this month I started online classes towards my masters in Emergency Management, Drea got married and we flew out to Iowa (yes it does exist) to participate, and I've started EMDR to treat my PTSD ) I love acronyms :) Oh and I won a book from Kelley's Healthy By Choice website and the combination of what I learned in it and of what I had already been thinking about caused us to completely overhauling our diets (especially Orson's) to cut out GMOs, meat hormones (yes we still eat meat, we are just trying to eat grass fed meat and drink and eat only RBSt free milk products) and pesticides.
So, the first topic and my favorite :) Orson. He is so much taller, I can't wait until his 18 month appointment (well more like 20 month) to get his measurements. He is stringing multiple words together now and we can have simple conversations together. One of my favorite moments from this month is when he asked me (looked at me and then patted the spot next to him) to sit in the backdoor way with him and look outside at the butterflies and flowers. As I sat there I realized that between signs, words and sounds I was able to understand that he wanted me to see the butterflies sniffing the flowers in the back yard as well as the squirrels and birds. It still fills me with wonder that that was our first "conversation." He is also trying to figure out how to assert his will....the tantrums are trying and the screeching is nerve racking, especially since he does it both when he is happy and when he is upset. Lastly, he has his two bottom eye teeth in now and is working on the tops, I can't wait until teething is over! It seems like we have been dealing with that for forever (well since he was about 3 months) and we still have molars to go. But as one of my mom friends said, what will we blame their crazy behavior on when they stop teething :)
All of the bears of our house
They even had tea and cake for little people, Orson loved his. The two main words he learned in England were Tea and Cookie (for biscuits).

Brugges, Belgium

Last, we made some major changes in eating and lifestyle since we've been home (or at least we are trying). I am now going to therapy every week and we are doing a treatment called eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). It is really hard and tiring work but also seems to be helping me a lot. Basically, the treatment involves me holding a small vibrating disk in each hand while I picture a scence from Katrina, mom's death, the miscarriage or the car accident in my head. The disks alternate which hand vibrates and I let my brain follow whichever path the scene takes me down. I have started at mom's casket and ended at Orson laughing, been stuck in the middle of a map of the gulf coast spinning around in circles and feeling like some one is stabbing my brain, and even gone from a thought of Katrina down a winding path past Katie's death and into the world of my crazy dreams....our brains are so crazy and complicated, it is amazing. At the same time we have also been cleaning up what we eat at our house. We have always drank hormone free milk but now we are making sure our cheese and other dairy is too. We have also cut out food dyes, started receiving an organic fruit box to go with our veggie box and started cooking in almost every night. Shockingly enough, we are managing to save money on our groceries and meals, since we now are being very picking about what we buy and we aren't going out as often. We decided to go this route after I started researching about Genetically Modified food and the links to childhood illnesses, allergies and the plain old fact that GMs haven't been tested at all. I have also formed a healthy dislike for the way the FDA is currently run and the lack of separation between the government and the leading (read, making the most money corporations) GMO creating organizations. Even Russia doesn't let GMOs in grocery stores without labeling and warnings...why can't we do the same here? I refuse to let Orson be a test subject in all of this. If you want to know more feel free to drop me a line or read The Unhealthy Truth.

I am so glad you liked the book...it's quite the life changer, isn't it!?!
p.s. you are such a pretty girl. Those pictures of you are lovely (not to mention how cute Orson is-please tell me the secret to getting your children to look like you! I've only got 9 weeks left!).
Wow, you have been busy! Great to get an update on everything and it looks like you had an awesome trip and time with family, I am glad you were able to do that!!
Wow, you have been busy. So glad to hear an update on everything and that you had a wonderful trip and time with family!
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