Monday, July 19, 2010


We finally bit the bullet, spent more money then we had and enjoyed an amazing weekend in Yosemite. This year the waterfalls are setting a record by still going strong so late into the summer. They were absolutely breath taking. We were told to expect huge crowds and lots of traffic but somehow we lucked out and it felt like some of the trails were all our own. We went with one of the families we have met here in Sac, Alisha, Nick and Linden. Linden is about 6 months older then Orson and very, very verbal. It was so interesting to watch him and Orson interact and play. We rented a cabin inside the park, had amazing dinners and enjoyed what felt like a stolen weekend of fun and relaxing. I think the pictures mostly speak for themselves!

Driving into the park, we got to watch the sunset.

Our first hike on Saturday was out to a look out point. The views at the end were worth it.

This picture made Matt's hands sweat...I thought it was fun :)

The deer were all over and so unafraid, they came right up to our back porch. We also saw a coyote, lots of chipmunk (Orson's favorite) and lots of birds.

And below is maybe one of the best pictures of the trip, Matt hiking, unassisted....I am so proud of the work and pain that Matt has put himself through to get to this point!

My hat was getting blown away by the force of the fall....simply amazing!

Poor tired naps and late nights made for a very quiet backseat on the way home.

Such a fun and awe-inspiring weekend!

1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO MATT!! We are all cheering for you over here!!! Kim, I am so glad that you posted, I was hoping you would soon. So many wonderful things going on, I love to get to hear about them, and keep up with you guys (Thank you for your freindship too!). can't wait to see you in a little more than a month!!!!
