We celebrated Orson's first birthday throughout the month of January, which turned out to be a good thing, since two of his planned parties were canceled due to the accident. We started out with a celebration when my sister and dad were still in town out the Outback. Orson got some great gifts, had his first ice cream (blue bell like all true Texans should), and made a regular mess.
What is this?
Auntie Anne wrote me a book and the bear is named after me
Grandpa bought me an awesome musical instrument set and Uncle Nate made me a beautiful picture
The after party back at the house....the music was rock'n
A few days before we left for AZ Matt and I finished up our big gift for him and gave him his train table a little early :) He loved it.
After not making it to AZ, we spent the day of his birth in and out of the hospital. Jon and Dani helped me pick up a carrot cake at Trader Joe's (not the gluten free, berry and home made whip cream cake I had planned) and we met up with Grandma and Grandpa Pat at the local Wendy's. Orson had his first Happy Meal (he only liked the oranges) and then his cake. When it came time to open presents, we went back to the hotel and Pat and Pat took their computer up to Matt so he could watch the festivities over Skype.
The gang at Wendy's
We did have a big party planned with Lucy and Olivia (all born the same week as Orson) at the Dolphin Swim School here in Sac but because of operations and not knowing when we would be home from Bakersfield we had to postpone it till a later date.
Even though nothing went quite as planned this month. I am so thankful for this year and all the joy Orson has brought to our lives. It has been a crazy roller coaster but a really fun one and I can't wait to see how this next year turns out.
Happy Birthday, my son.
Hey, why is the picture of orson and his book about uncle nate's picture for him?
Its not Anne...its under the comment about you writing him a book
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