Thursday, April 23, 2009

3, 29, 150

Today Orson turned 3 months! I can't believe how fast/slow time is going...time just seems to warp and run without me being able to keep up with it. His 12th week of life was truly an adventure for all three of us and I'm just not sure where to start. The weather in Sacramento has been just wonderful so Orson and I have started spending more time outside. The swing that the previous owners of our house left is quickly becoming a favorite spot especially since you can currently smell the jasmine out front even in the back yard!

We didn't have a lot of time to enjoy the weather here though, since we left for Texas on Thursday to meet up with my brother Matt J, my Dad and Anne. Dad, Anne and my Matt were joining up to ride the largest MS150 in the country from Houston to Austin and Orson and I were tagging along as their support. The Friday before the ride we got together with many members of our church in Spring as well as with lots of my mom's family....Below is Orson with my Godmother and Aunt, Orson with my sister and Orson meeting his Uncle Matt for the first time.

Unfortunately (well actually I was very happy to see a real rain storm again) it started raining on Friday and dumped over 10 inches in just a few hours, canceling for the first time in its 25 year history the first day of the MS 150. We went to sleep Friday night thinking that there would be no way to ride on Saturday. But we still woke up early and decided to drive west towards Austin to see if we could get past the rain and still put the bikes down on the MS 150 route for at least part of the day. Orson (wearing the most awesome hat that our friend Theresa made and the coolest biking onsie ever, made by his Aunt Anne) was excited to see the bikes get loaded up!

We made it out to Bellville (it was still raining) and managed to meet up with more of my mom's brothers and their families to celebrate Orson and a surpise for me, my birthday. I turned 29 and I think its been over 15 years since I celebrated my birhtday in a Mexican resturant. The cream in the face was unexpected as was the yummy sophapia!

Orson enjoyed being passed around and playing with Grandpa as always.

A little while outside of Bellville we started to see bikers on the road and Matt and my Dad started iching to ride. As you can see the weather was still pretty volitile but Matt, Dad and Mr. Berson decided to put the pettal to the metal and out-ride the storm.

When they road into Fayettvile, the town was out in force to support them, as were Orson and I and my Aunt Irene and Uncle Dick. Anne decided that the rain had let up enough that she would aslo start riding.... we met all three of them in La Grange (the midway point between Houston and Austin) the starting point for Sunday's ride.

We were invited to eat with the Anadarco team, so Orson and I spent some time in the rain :)

The next morning, Dad and Matt decided to take the hard route and ride the hills in Bastrop State Park. Matt looked like a super hero as he started out the morning.

When the crew met up for lunch in Bastrop they all were super heros in my eyes....the flag sure made for a great picture (you can see how much wind there was....of course it was a head wind).

My single goal was to keep Orson from getting a sunburn, I'm happy to report that I suceeded!

Late Sunday afternoon, Matt, Anne, Dad and Mr. Berson rounded the corner of the finish line in Austin riding a total of 120 miles. I am so proud of all of them.

Monday we spent time relaxing and enjoying time with each other.

We also took a trip out to see mom's grave and pay our respects. For me this trip was pretty dificult, for some reason it felt like my first trip home that in my heart I felt like mom would be there even though I knew in my mind that she wouldn't. I guess I just really wanted to introduce Orson to his Grandmother.

We all headed to the airport at the same time and Orson finally gave into sleep...not even waking up to tell his Grandpa and Aunt good bye.

Oh by the way...Orson has decided that he has more control over his limbs then I am truly ready are his first steps (all-be-it with his Dad's help :)

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