We went birding with the Sacramento Audubon Society earlier in the month and met a young couple that we had a lot in common with. Later in the month they invited us to go with them to Bodega Bay to see an Alaskan bird that had decided to make its home there for the winter. We had tons of fun, saw the bird and I think made friends with an awesome couple at the same time.
We have also come to the realization that the baby will be coming in less then 6 weeks (if it is on time) and that we really need to get its room ready. The two weekend leading up to Thanksgiving we worked hard to get the paint on the walls and some of the stuff put away. I hope to get it completely finished this weekend. In the meantime, here is a picture of Matt working hard on the painting.
We did the touristy thing out at the Gorge and took some pictures from Crown Point:
On the way back we stopped at Lake Shasta and took a short walk....I recently discovered that overalls were super comfy for long drives (never thought I would wear those again).
I hope that everyone enjoyed their Turkey Day as much as we did.
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