Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Happy Christmas Everyone!

Its been a good year for the Ewalts.  The highlights? We moved to Colorado, we've been on many adventures in our new state, traveled to TX and OR, celebrated birthdays and anniversaries, started school and settled in to our newest house.

Matt moved to a new section of ICF and is doing really well.  He also joined a local Toyota club, we have been on several adventures with the club and he is now helping them to plan their annual Moab cruise for next year.  He also keeps us hiking, camping and now snow shoeing on the weekends.

Orson started kindergarten and loves it!  He is excited to go everyday and doesn't believe me that he isn't suppose to go on his off days, his favorite subject is PE followed by recess.  He is, as usual, growing like a weed, enjoys being read to, building with blocks, legos and whatever else he can get his hands on, art of any kind and being a big brother. He also has moved into his own room and enjoys having his own place to play and chill sometimes.

Ferdinand is now 3.  We are working on potty training and he is finally showing some interest.  He is obsessed with firemen and firetrucks, both his birthday and his Christmas wish list were all about firetrucks.   The doctor convinced him to give up his pacifiers (yeah!!) and he is doing well as the middle brother.  He is also super loving and always wants to go walking.

Theodore is loud and super cuddly.  He loves following his brothers around, screaming for attention, climbing and running around, eating all sorts of different foods and sitting on the couch with either his dad or I and cuddling in.

I started a new job selling Jamberry Nails.  I love interacting with adults during parties, having a little extra income every month and being my own boss!  I have also joined a few moms and women's bible study groups and am slowly settling in and making friends.  One of my favorite parts of moving to Colorado was having my own community garden plot this summer.  The boys and I had fun playing, planting and picking fresh veggies and fruit.  I also got a chance to can and freeze a lot of my own produce which was really rewarding.

Next year promises to bring its own excitement.  We are expecting a new family member at the beginning of February, the boys are super excited to add another sibling to the mayhem and I'm ready to have this baby on the outside.  Orson will start full time school in the fall and hopefully Ferdinand will start preschool at the same time.

We hope all of you had a lovely Christmas and have a blessed New Year. Let us know how you are!

The Ewalts

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