Thursday, July 24, 2014

June and July

Life has just run away.  I hardly even remember to take the pictures off of my camera and load them onto the computer.  T celebrated his first birthday.  Orson finished up preschool. Ferdinand is 2.5 and amazes us every day with his talking.  We have been on multiple camping trips and short day adventures throughout the state, friends have come to visit, I have started a new job as a consultant for Jamberry Nails (; let me know if you want a sample or to host a party online), The garden is starting to produce, Matt is continuing to progress in his current job and has joined the local landcruiser club.  Life just keeps flowing and this mama is having a hard time keeping up!

Anyway here are some pictures and memories from the last few months.  Enjoy and know that we miss all of you so very much!

We had the neighbors and some new friends over for T's birthday.  His favorite part was the chocolate cake :)

And here is the rest of the last few months in no apparent order of importance.

The local train museum was a hit with the boys
 Theodore enjoy hiking, as you can see
 Mother's Day we went to a local garden
 The boys love hiking and walking especially with Dad
 Grandma and Grandpa Pat came to visit and we went to their car race in Nebraska (I will admit that the state actually does exist....)  The boys loved playing with Grandma in the hotel room!
 An off roading adventure that ended in a field of beautiful flowers at sunset

 We went to the local touch a plane day at the airfield in Boulder

Ferd liked posing with Grandma and loved the police robots
 T just wanted his own airplane
 Say what? Family pictures, unheard of!
Ice cream is always a favorite
Cuddles with Grandpa

We've made some new and awesome friends
 Hiking in the National Park to a waterfall. T loved it and tried to make more noise than the waterfall....kinda sums up his personality!

 Father's Day, smiling pictures are so hard to get!
 T and I at the Denver Botanical Gardens
 Ferdinand exploring with doggy, his new favorite
 Fun with friends at the highest gardens in the country. Vail, CO

 A family picture! Holy cow!!!
 Drea and Emily came to visit and we had a blast

 Last Sunday's hiking trip

And there, I am all caught up!

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