Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Theodore Isaac

Its hard to believe but Theodore is now 2 months old!  He has had a busy two months learning to play with his brothers, struggling with some reflux issues, growing into a chunk and being baptized.  He is a wonderful smiley little guy that everyone loves and adores.  We are so happy he is here!

The three stooges
 6 week smiles:

1st smile (around 3 weeks when I sang to him one night)

 All wrapped up and comfy

Mommy playing dress up

 1st ball from his Godfather Matt J

 Walking with his brothers (Orson is really good about holding F's hand when I don't have a free one)

Sitting in the bumbo around at a month:

 Visiting the Chiropractor for his reflux issues (seems to really be working)

Baths with brothers

His Baptism went really well.  He slept through the entire Mass and the big boys did pretty well.  Matt J is his Godfather and Tia Sofie is his Godmother.  My friend Irene Bristow stood in for them both and Grandpa Bob was able to come.  As always I was so happy to introduce him to the church and it was so nice to know people in the congregation this time around.  

 all dressed up for the occasion
 Orson trying to see how close he could get before he fell in (Thank goodness he stopped just before he fell!)
 The baptism


Afterwards we enjoyed brunch at Mon Ami Gabi.

Finally, here he is posing for the camera at the one month mark:

and just for reference,here is one of Orson at a month:

and one of Ferdinand:

Oh, and I almost forgot, he is weighing in at 15.25 lbs and 25.25 inches and plans for a move this September have been delayed and we will maybe in the same house from conception all the way to the 1st birthday!  He is a record setter :)

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