Monday, January 7, 2013


Well, we almost had a white Christmas here in VA and we definitely had a Happy one. 
We took advantage of some of the Christmas festivities in the area, there was a Santa Cow at Chick file; we went to the Middleburg Christmas parade (lots of dogs and horses) and we went early to see Santa at the mall, shockingly we actually got a picture with neither boy running in terror or crying!

 Orson's school had a Christmas pageant and Orson participated as a sheep.  He decided his role was the most important and spent the entire time center stage.

 Christmas eve we dressed up and went to Mass, it was amazingly crowded!  The boys behaved well and St. Nick left a little present under the tree in Orson's room (I let him put up Anne and my's old college tree).

 It was a Christmas book
 The next morning the boys slept in (I couldn't sleep I was so excited) and we finally had to go in and wake up Orson.  To our surprise he was awake but didn't want to get out of bed.  Apparently he had spent the night listening for Santa's sleigh and, since he never heard it and nothing was under his little tree, he had decided that Santa had not come.  Matt had to coax him out of bed and reassure him that you can't always hear St. Nick and that he should come downstairs and look.

He was very excited to see the stocking full.
F was also excited for his new stocking.

 I think Orson liked opening his stocking but I also think he enjoyed passing out the stockings and helping others to look in their stockings even more.  When asked he actually decided that we should open oldest to youngest and happily waited his turn.  

After breakfast we went into our living room to see the tree.  Orson was amazed!

First we opened the presents from St Nick and Baby Jesus.  Orson asked for a Robot Tower and was super happy to see that he got what he wanted.

 Daddy enjoyed the tower almost as much and they happily spent the morning building all sorts of towers.

Ferdinand got a bouncing Zebra that he loves to ride on.
 Matt spent some time teaching Orson the fine art of trying to figure out what was in your presents before you open them.  Orson thought it was hysterical. 

And then, when we weren't looking, Orson decided to peak under the blanket.  We quickly told him no, no, no and he put it back and came over to me and said "Its ok Mommy, it is only a bike....a BIKE!!!!"  Grandpa Jone bought Orson the bike he really wanted for Christmas and Orson was so happy.

 Speaking of Grandpas, the were the clear winner in presents this year.  Grandpa Bob got Orson this super awesome Bozer (Bull Dozer), as Orson calls them and Orson could not wait to get it out of the box.

Ferdinand seemed to understand presents very well and in fact has taken to signing more every time he sees something that even looks like a wrapped boxed.

For Christmas dinner we went over to the Scarborough's house and had a very pleasant evening.  On the way home we drove through the lights at Manassas Battle Field Park.  Orson, Matt and I enjoyed them very much, Ferdinand enjoyed a nap.

The next morning it snowed and Orson got a chance to test out his bozer before it all blew away.

The New Years weekend it snowed again, so we headed up to the mountains to off-road and sled (Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Pat).  Matt got to have some fun in some very large puddles (yes that is his truck under all that mud!)  

 And the boys and I tested our the new much fun!

It was a wonderful season of charity and faith and we hope you all had one as well.

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