Thursday, November 29, 2012


We are happy to announce that we will have a new member joining our family this spring.  The official due date is May 27th but we all know that my kids never show up on time.

  Matt and I are a little overwhelmed at the thought of 2 under two but also overjoyed ; Orson is super excited and talks to the baby in my belly all the time; and Ferdinand is just confused as to why mommy is always so tired :) 

The best part is that I am sharing this pregnancy with at least 2 ladies at my bible study, long distance with 2 of my dearest friends from AmeriCorps and with a few far away friends from high school. Now if only we could all move to the same place and raise the babies together! It will be wonderful to have a group of moms around me for this birth . Of course, that is only if we don't end up having to move unexpectedly in the next 9 months!

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