Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Camping and Exploring

We have had a busy last few weekends!  Last weekend we went camping with both boys in the camper Dad is letting us borrow for the first time.  It went so very well and I can't wait to get out and do it again.  The weekend before we took Orson to the National Trolley Museum in Maryland (he has been asking to go to the Sacramento Train Museum and this was our best option), it wasn't as cool as the Train Museum but Orson loved it and we got to go on two trolley rides.  Its been wonderful to get back out and about and to reignite our joy of adventures.  Below are some pictures of all the fun. 

 The Trolley Museum:

I loved the old adds!

 After the museum we went to a near by park and had a picnic.  Ferd liked his food alot :)

Orson liked being goofy
 And Ferd went on the swing by himself for the first time. He loved it!
 Our camping trip was to Gifford Pinchot State Park in PA near Hershey.
The campsite was so beautiful, we were visited by a family of downy woodpeckers, a hummingbird and lots of other cool birds and bugs.  Orson was in heaven, when he wasn't looking for bug, he was riding his Good-To-Go all around.  He got so good at it that he can now balance on the bike for 2-3 yards at a time.

 On Saturday, the boys took me to the Hershey Park Gardens, they were really lovely.  Matt and Orson also spent the morning playing Disc Golf, which meant that I got to read while Ferdinand played quietly on his blanket!

 Both boys loved the butterfly house

 Orson enjoyed the children's garden, especially the parts of it that played music!

 We ended our Saturday with a trip to the beach that was part of the lake that we were staying by.  Ferdinand thought that the sand and toys were great.
Although he seemed to think the sand tasted a little funny.
 Matt is looking awesome!  He has lost so much weight on his juice fast, I am so proud of him.
 Orson and his Dad enjoyed cooling off in the lake! Swimming lessons must be paying off because Orson jumped right in.

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