Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter! What a Week

Holy Week was very exciting this year.  Starting with Palm Sunday we had lost of fun getting ready for Easter Sunday.  

The church held an Easter egg hunt and activities for the parish children on Palm Sunday.  The morning started out rough but the afternoon was full of fun.

Orson got to decorate a cross
 play egg games
 won a cool rainbow streamer for winning said egg games
 color some Easter eggs
 Listen to Easter stories and the Easter Gospel

 and then go on an egg hunt

 Ferdinand found one too

 Then on Good Friday, I made GF Hot Cross buns (but forgot to take a picture) They turned out great, I used a new GF flour blend (C4C to make them) and changed the recipe a little (craisins for currants, more cinnamon, less cardamon and a lemon icing for the crosses. I think they will be a new Good Friday tradition in our home.  Later the Scarbrough family came over and we decorated Easter Eggs.

 We also played some dress up.  We love having the Scarbroughs in our lives and are so thankful for their friendships.
 On Saturday we took Matt's new truck out for an off road adventure with the local Land Cruiser club.
 I found so beauty in the day :)

 and Orson had so much fun that he actually took a nap on the way home
 Then we woke up to Easter Sunday.  The Easter Bunny left a little bit of fun for us

 Ferdinand was so excited for some new pacifiers!
 I made some Deviled eggs using Lynda's recipe and adding some pintrest style (Little cheepers)
 We cleaned up pretty well for church

 And then we headed over to the Scarbrough's house for Easter lunch and another egg hunt.

 Everyone was so fast it was hard to capture the hunt!

 Ferdinand just focused on finding his feet for this hunt

It was a lovely week and I feel very blest to have such an amazing family and new friends to share it with.

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