Monday, December 19, 2011

Visitors and getting ready for Christmas

So I am way behind posting because we have had so many great visitors this past month.  Dad and Sofie came for two weeks at Thanksgiving, the Gordons (Lucy, Gina, Melia) and lastly Pat and Pat.  It has been so nice seeing everyone and having family time, plus it is joyous to introduce them to Ferdinand.  
We have also spent a lot of time getting ready for Christmas.  Dad and Sofie helped put up the tree, we have decorated the house with Orson's favorite part of Christmas so far, lights, we have been opening an advent calendar and reading one story a day to go with it and of course trying to get presents and cards all in order (they will all be baby and new house is my excuse) and baking Christmas cookies (O likes this part too!).  I haven't been great about taking pictures of most of this but here is what we have:

Decorating the tree

Even Ferdinand got in on the action
  Such a cute present under the tree!

 Lots of family pictures around the tree (thanks for making us do it Bob)

Lucy and Orson were over joyed to see each other and Gina and I weren't too far behind, we had a great long weekend with them:
 Playing in the bath tub on a rainy day
 Melia and Ferdinand listening to the spalshes
 Bubble beards
 Sharing an ice cream cone (went much better then expected!)
 Visiting the National Zoo

We miss our CA friends!

And finally Grandma and Grandpa Pat:

Such fun and now the house feels empty again...can't wait to see Aunt Annie for Christmas.

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