Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Orson was a cowboy for Halloween this year.  We have been watching lots of Roy Rodgers and Calamity Jane lately and that combined with his awesome Texas boots led to a request to be a cowboy.  It worked out well for me since I had plenty of material leftovers in my craft boxes to make up a costume.  

Boots, Chaps, Vest and Hat (thanks Grandma), what more does a cowboy need?
 Oh yes, his horse! (a second birthday present from the Whites)

 Cowboys are serious mom!

 I met up with an old neighbor/friend of Matt's from Portland last week for lunch and playtime (they just moved here from Florida in June) and she invited us to their house for a party and trick or treating (do to VA traffic we missed most of the party but we made it to trick or treat!).  It was so much fun to go out with a group and I look forward to many more play-dates with her family.  

 A cowboy and his Dad....Orson was much more nervous about decorations and such this year, so he had one of our hands almost all of the time.  He was however very good at saying Trick or Treat and then Thank You.  Yeah for manners!!

Oh and in case you are wondering, baby dressed up in its costume too.  It just wasn't quite out of my belly.

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