Thursday, March 24, 2011

Finishing up with catch ups or March Happenings

This month has been crazy, fun, impossible and, well, just life with the Ewalts :)  

Orson had his check up at the end of Feburary and weighed in at 29 lbs and 3 ft 1/4 inches.  I am pretty sure both those measurements have changed by now.  This month his last set of molars popped through bring all the joys of teething.  He has become a toddler in every way.  He is stubborn, roles his eyes a lot, gives kisses and hugs away to his friends, asks me if I am ok and pats me on the back, loves to tickle (especially his daddy's feet), eats everything and nothing depending on his mode, thinks his puppet Ms Izzy is real, chases the dogs around the house, loves to watch Mickie Mouse (and is getting excited to go see him in April), uses new words everyday, tells me stories using his imagination, can entertain himself and his friends for hours without needing me, loves his dad, walking the dogs, has used his first band-aid on an owie (sp?), wants to dunk cookies in milk every night with his daddy and has taken to asking if he is our baby (lots of friends are having little sisters and brother arrive). 

 Cookies with Daddy on the couch!

 We humor the am I your baby questions by holding him like we use to...surprisingly, this hold still totally relaxes him!

Last, but not least, we took Orson in to get his hair cut for the first time....Dapper isn't he :)

 Getting it cut, they had an awesome truck to sit in, this is the only time he looked in the mirror, you could tell he was a little troubled by what he saw, but not enough that he didn't immediately go back to pushing the buttons on the truck.

Above is his hair before, below is after (he also loves wearing his scarf)

The weather here has been nuts, some days and a few weekends it has been glorious, other days, like today (and all week really) it has rained and stormed and the wind has been blowing so hard that snuggles can catch air if we take her walking.  My flowers are blooming but I can't enjoy them because I can barely see them through the rain, but Orson has loved all the puddles and sitting in the front window watching the wind blow.  Staying inside has been really hard on all of us, we miss the sun and warmer weather.  

Matt has been putting in for other jobs and has gotten call backs from places as far away as Australia, we don't know what the future is going to bring but would appreciate prayers.  He has a new boss that is not very nice and has been sticking it to him.  Making work a very stressful and unhappy place to be.  We also found out that our house isn't worth very much anymore (yeah economy) so we are trying to create an exit strategy if we need one. 

We have been continuing to host our Wednesday playgroups.  Let me tell you, 4-10 2 years olds (with a couple of little ones tossed in) in the same house on a rainy day is something to behold!  It is fun, exasperating and normally ends in a combo of tears and laughter but totally worth every minute.  Last week we had cupcakes for St Patrick's day, the green icing ended up smeared on everyone's pants, so we ended up having a cloth diaper party....super fun.

Orson's bed is the main attration most days

 And the diaper models are:
Gus, as a cow boy

 Penny in white

 And Orson dressed for a really crazy St. Patty's day parade

On the nice days, Matt and I have been making extra effort to get out and about (heck even on the horrible days we have been walking all the local malls...even Ikea will probably be in our future if the keeps up).  Orson wants to walk the dogs everyday, so Matt takes him even when the weather is iffy and we have all been going to the parks a lot.  

Well that is life for now.  Hope all of you are having a good March too.

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