Monday, July 19, 2010

We finally had Orson, Lucy and Olivia's first birthday party yesterday. It was their 18 month birthdays and we had an Alice in Wonderland inspired UnBirthday for them instead, at Jamie, Rich and Olivia's house and pool. Jamie, Gina and I had tons of fun planning. We hung up playing cards, Jamie built a little house, and we put umbrellas up everywhere. We also found some fun little tea sets at Target that were a huge hit. Almost all of the mommy clan was able to come (in fact only two families were missing) and the Daddy's got to participate as well. It was so neat to see everyone all together and to get to watch the Dads interact with the babies as well.

If you look closely, the flowers have eyes.

A close up of Gina's adorable, EAT ME cookies and above are the fun colored vanilla and chocolate gluten free cupcakes (orange, purple and green) that I made and the animal shaped jello treats Jamie made.

It was a super hot day (over 100), so even Orson enjoyed the water and didn't complain about getting cold. Plus I think he really enjoyed getting to swim with both Matt and I.

He did still prefer the hot tube though, as did Lucy :)

The little houses were a great hit with the kids.

And the tea sets were the star of the party with all the babies!

Maddox managed to create the best cake face out of all the kids :)

Two of the three birthday babies enjoying a cup of tea (pinkies up Orson).

The day was so much fun, I don't think I have laughed so much, played motor boat so many times (apparently I am the favorite boat in the water with all the kids), had such yummy home made food, and plain old played so much in a really long time.

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