Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today is my mom's Birthday and I woke up singing the Happy Birthday song in the shower. Probably a good sign of positive progress. It got me thinking about good memories of mom and wondering about everyone else's memories of her. I began to think that, after three years, I am ready to start remembering in a public way, for my own sake and for those of her future grandchildren. I want my children to grow up knowing about the love, joy and faith that their grandmother had. So, If you are willing, and to a point in your grief process that you are able, please leave a memory in the comments on my blog or send me an email kimberly.ewalt@gmail.com. I will go through and post them as they come in.

My memory and one of the things I miss most:

Laying my head in mom's lap, watching a movie and her running her fingers through my hair. I loved those little moments of safety and love and I miss them so much.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a little something about Mom over on my blog. I've been trying to for awhile when I think of things. Writing definitely helps.
