Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Videos

First Smiles

Orson will be a year in just two days...time flew by and I can't believe he is so big now. We are driving down to AZ to celebrate with Matt's family this weekend and the following weekend we are having a party at a swimming pool in town to celebrate Lucy and Orson's birthdays together. I just want to put up four new videos really fast.....

The first is for his Auntie Anne. She taught him to cheers when she was visiting and now he wants to chink his glass with everyone.

We have been celebrating Orson's birthday all month long, so when we finished his big gift we just had to give it to him (have I mentioned Orson loves trains). I think this is the first time Orson has really reacted with knowledge and excitement to something we give to him, it was really neat to see!

Strawberries (he is my child after all).

And finally and most cool!!!! Orson took his first steps yesterday! He actually took more face-plants and tumbles then steps but we all had a lot of fun, none the less :)

New Smiles

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