Sunday, May 3, 2009

Back from Portland and exhusted

We've made it back from all of our travels in one piece and boy did we have fun.

We spent this past week in Portland visiting with friends. Matt's best friend came in from Japan with his wife and we also spent a lot of time with Harrison, Haley and Rowan. Rowan is adorable and about 3 months older then Orson, they seemed to have fun watching and learning from each other and Haley and I had fun watching them. My favorite quote of the week was from Haley "Two babies are more then twice as cute as one"

Of course we also learned that two babies are more then twice the amount of work then one as well!

Orson took his first trip to the zoo on Sunday. We were both cold, so I took advantage of his body heat and my jacket...we were like a little oven:

Unfortunately we weren't great about taking pictures, I guess because we were just caught up in talking with friends. We had a wonderful 3 bottle of wine dinner at the Bread and Ink (Harrison's Uncle's restaurant). Harrison's roommate from France was in town (he sells wine barrels) and he kept us well supplied in great wine. We also spent a lot of time just sitting around and chatting with everyone, it was wonderful.
Haley was kind enough to invite me along to a "playdate" (the babies just sat there while the moms all talked). I found it very interesting to see the similarities and differences between Portland and Sacramento moms. The babies at my mom's group here in Sacramento are more of a varity of ages then in the Portland group so I think we cover more topics at our meet-up but it was nice to be surrounded by babies that were only a month or so older the Orson and focus on the issues of his age (food, sleep...well maybe the issues don't change much with age). Really, I would bet you could go to a mom's group anywhere in the world and we would all talk and worry about the same kind of things.

Before heading home we drove down to Eugene, on the way we stopped at the Air and Space museum. Orson and his dad had fun looking at all of the planes and playing with the hands on sections.

That night we stayed with Justin's mom, Kathy. It was a wonderful way to wrap up the week. She made us feel right at home.

Here are a few more pictures from the last few weeks of travel....our little man is so cute!

1 comment:

  1. The pedal powered prop took Orson's love of fans to the next level!
