Monday, March 23, 2009

Airplanes, Weddings and fun

This past weekend we went to Betsy and Adam's wedding in Boulder, Co. We stayed at the historic Hotel Bouldero, the wedding also took place there, and loved it. The hotel had beautiful stain glass and the room they gave us was so comfortable. Orson slept in a port-a-crib provided by the hotel and he did so well that we were inspired to try him out in his crib at home....I can happily report that he slept for over 8 hours in it last night.
Of course taking a trip to Colorado meant that Orson also had his first airplane flight to and from. He did amazingly and his favorite part was the turbulence that we hit on the way home. Everyone else on the plane was terrified and he thought it was the funniest thing in the whole world. He smiled and giggled the entire time.
He also attened his first wedding and reception, he was the center of attention with all the ladies but the music was a little too loud so he and his Dad ducked out just after the first dance. Matt and I were really looking forward to dancing together but it just wasn't meant to be, hopefully next time :) The wedding was beautiful and tons of fun. Betsy was on my first Americorps team, so a few of my team mates made it out for it. We had fun catching up and goofing around. My two favorite things that Betsy had for her reception were pie instead of cake and a photo booth for all of her guests to take pictures in. We got to keep a copy and the other copy was put in a photo book that served as their guest book as well. We actually got some good family pictures from it!
Matt and I had fun driving and walking around the Boulder area. We went up to Eldora ski resort (the altitude killed all three of us so we didn't stay way too long) and out to Red Rocks (we climbed the stairs up and down while watching crazy people run and jump them as a work out). Boulder was great to walk around and we were blessed with wonderful weather for the entire weekend. It was so fun and low-key that I think Matt and I would go back at the drop of a hat.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you guys got to get away, that looks like so much fun! And believe me (from having taken Luke on a plane last week!), it is much easier to travel with a child Orson's age than Luke's, so I am glad you went while you had the chance :-)
