Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Orson Weeks 3 and 4

For those of you wondering if I even have any more plants left to talk about....just before Orson was born, both of my Christmas Cacti (one from my Grandmother and one from my Mom) bloomed. I was so excited and they were so pretty.

This week was a fun week. Just before Dad left, for Orson's 2nd week birthday, we went with my Dad into the Sierra foothills to taste wine. The weather was beautiful, Orson was great and the wine was so yummy! For me, it was just nice to be out and about. I borrowed a few pictures from my Dad that I thought ya'll would enjoy.

Orson also had his first bath (sans cord) that weekend. He seems to really enjoy the warm water and getting clean. He is not so happy when he has to get out though. I guess he is a water baby like I was.

For Orson's third week we were joined by Matt's Dad. Here is Orson, in his suit from Haley and Harrison, with his Grandpa Ewalt. They were both very happy to meet.

In Orson news...the outfit below is from the Pools...they sent it for him to grow into. He grew a little quicker then expected. At three weeks, Orson is now wearing 3 month clothes! They are a little big around the middle but fit just right in length. He started busting out of his new born clothes just before their box arrived.

Orson also discovered his hanging toys this week. He was sleeping in his bassinet one evening when we started to hear some noises. I looked over and he was grabbing for his toy and he actually grabbed the rings a few times!

We also got a few good shots with Orson ourselves this week. Matt took this one on his own.
and I think my dad actually took this one just before he left.

And last but not least...funny faces with Orson....


  1. Orson just gets cuter every time I see pictures, if that is even possible! I laughed hysterically at the "unattended children" sign, that was great.

  2. He's getting so big! and I love the "unattended children" sign - so fantastic!
