Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pictures from Orson's First Week Home

Its been a wonderful first week. Matt and I have both totally fallen in love with Orson and have taken a million pictures so I thought I would put up some of the best.
Look at his BIG feet and hands!
Orson's first bath at home
The dogs are slowly getting use to Orson and accepting him. Snuggs is especially interested in smelling and kissing him (we are trying to control the second)
Grandma and Grandpa Pat spent the days with us and just left yesterday. I hope we get to see them a lot.
Orson really spends a lot of time with his eyes open, looking around. Its impossible to catch all the faces he makes when starring at things.
And here we are...the entire family!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the photos, Kim. He's growing into a little bear already! Glad the dogs are starting to catch on. -- Mary
