Monday, September 29, 2008

Behind and lazy

Well I know I have been taking my time about keeping this blog up and I can only apologize and offer that I am lazy as an excuse. There just doesn't seem to be a lot going on in my life but I figured I could talk about a couple of things this week.

The most exciting news is that my gardenia has decided that it likes Sacramento and has actually re-bloomed in the back yard. The smell is amazing and reminds me of home. Also making an unexpected appearance in its pot...the crapemerytle that I thought was a goner after it lost most of its leaves during the drive over. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to plant anything in the ground since moving here but Matt and I have been looking into native gardening and can't wait to get our hands dirty this fall. Of course that will depend on whether or not we ever get the nursery put together.

Speaking of, we finally have unpacked all the boxes in the house (we cheated and moved a few to the garage, don't tell). Now we just have to find a place for everything. That could take awhile since the dogs are starting to get a little more demanding of our time now that they have settled in to the wonderful weather. We have been taking them to various parks on the weekend and both Matt and I enjoy the excuse to get out and explore. Most recently we have been wandering up and down the American river park system with the girls. They really have loved the ability to jump in the river and cool off (we have too).
I guess the only other bits of news are; Matt made his last trip to Louisiana before the baby is born last week, I am off to see Anne for her 30th birthday next week, Pat and Pat are going to visit for the first time this weekend and my stomach just keeps getting bigger and bigger (daily it seems).

I am so glad and thankful that all of our friends and family made it through Ike safely. For those of you wondering, the family home escaped without damage although a tree fell on the fence in the backyard a day after the storm.

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