Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Trip to San Diego

It has been a fun week away from the boxes and the mayhem at home. Matt and I took the weekend to drive down Highway 1 to San Diego stopping at the Monterrey Aquarium and many beaches along the way and spending the night in San Simeon. And then spent most of the week in San Diego so that Matt could attend the ESRI conference.
This is the first beach we stopped at with the girls. They didn't like the water but loved the sand.
We were happy to see that Chuggles didn't seem to mind taking another car ride, in fact they seemed to enjoy not being in a Penske and in their own seats again!
Chaquita mid sneeze....she was in a huff that I captured this one on film.

We also introduced them to the Pacific Ocean and swimming while here in San Diego at the Ocean Beach Dog Beach.
They have become real water babies although we have to watch Snuggles as she gets extremely cold if she stays in the water too long.

We also took them to Balboa park for a long walk.

After all of that they were just a little smelly so they went to their first dog went really well and boy were they soft when we got through bathing them (not to mention they both used the dog perfume that was available for them, "Romance"). They also ended up with new collars and matching city leashes. I told Matt that it wasn't quite fair that they were the ones that got gifts from the trip but it looks like they are going to be the beneficiaries of this week :) Over all they have barely moved today and seem content to sleep in the soft bed here at the hotel, I think they maybe a little sore.

Chaquita's new collar
Snugg's new collar

Matt and I are also being spoiled, Matt found a 4 star hotel on and we are living large at the Sheradan (dog friendly by the way). We even have our own balcony which the entire family has been enjoying. We have also discovered some great food and are enjoying relaxing. Tomorrow we shoot home on the 5 and start back in on the boxes waiting for us there.

The view during the day.

The view at night

Sunset on the beach, who could ask for anything more?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really great vacation for everyone... including the dogs. Glad you guys made it back safely.
