Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well I have been slacking and thought it about time to post some new thoughts and gardening fun. Matt and I have been driving back and forward a lot between here and Houston so the garden has suffered a little but I spent the weekend puttering around in it and have discovered lots of new blooms and buds. Of course now that everything is starting to grow it is crazy windy and may fall to freezing this week. I love the south's complete and totally unpredictable weather.

The magnolia actually bloomed and now it is putting out leaves and even more of a miracle, the Satsuma has buds on it too!
A few of my annuals reseeded them selves and I have some flowers going but mostly the only color in the garden is stuff that I added from the flower stores in town (As you can see below all is pretty green though!).
I have decided to hang some lights on our front porch, that is my project for tonight, I think it will make it even more inviting and I rearranged all the pots on it to make it different and I think grouped better.

My other major project has been mosaicking (is that a verb? this is my first mosaic project ever and I'm not sure of the correct lingo) a large pot for a Jade plant that Matt bought. I am using a few pre-made square pieces and lots of those half round pebbles that people put in vases and then, most fun of all, I am using pieces of glass left over from my Dad making stain glass windows for his church. I cut them into petal shapes to make big flowers. I am currently grouting the entire thing and hopefully it will be done soon.

In other news Matt and I inherited my families two dogs this month. They seem to like the back garden lots and we have been taking them to the park as much as possible. They have been a great catalyst to getting Matt and I more active. Here are a few pictures:
They are sisters from a Chihuahua/Dachshund litter. They are old now (9 years) but are still like puppies when we let them off their leashes in the park.

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