Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pictures from Orson's First Week Home

Its been a wonderful first week. Matt and I have both totally fallen in love with Orson and have taken a million pictures so I thought I would put up some of the best.
Look at his BIG feet and hands!
Orson's first bath at home
The dogs are slowly getting use to Orson and accepting him. Snuggs is especially interested in smelling and kissing him (we are trying to control the second)
Grandma and Grandpa Pat spent the days with us and just left yesterday. I hope we get to see them a lot.
Orson really spends a lot of time with his eyes open, looking around. Its impossible to catch all the faces he makes when starring at things.
And here we are...the entire family!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome Orson Walter Ewalt

After a week of labor and months of joyous expectations....we welcomed Orson Walter Ewalt into the world at 6:18 am Friday Jan. 23rd. He was a couple of weeks late and rather difficult to get out but out he came and my oh my is he beautiful! He weighed in at 8 lbs 11 oz and measured in at 22 inches. He has steely blue eyes (the kind that will probably change), more hair on his head then his dad (brownish) and ginormous hands and feet. Matt and I are in love and fight over who gets to hold him :) Here are a few pictures:

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Its getting to be that time of the year in a Southern gardener's mind (which I know I'm not one any more but its hard to control), I am yearning to make a garden and surround myself with flowers. I'm sure part of it is waiting for the baby to come but I do hope that Matt and I can make our yard our own this year. With the house mostly done it will be nice to move outside where my heart really is. I bought a bunch of bulbs at the correct time this fall but never got them in the ground, I have a feeling I will be gardening in pots this spring almost as much as I did at our rental in Baton Rouge. I'm sure the new baby will keep us poor enough that major yard renovations will have to wait but still....the yearning is there and I can't wait for spring.

Happy gardening to my southern friends.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Still waiting, D-day + 1

For all those out there baby yet, we are still waiting. My mom had her first baby 3 weeks late, so I will be happy if it is only a week late :) Patience is not one of my virtues, so life is getting harder for those around me everyday, thank goodness they love me. I will let you know as soon as the baby comes and I have time to post a few pictures.